When it comes to choosing a collar or harness for your dog, there isn’t one-size-fits-all answer. But many pet parents prefer a harness because it helps reduce pulling, increases control over the animal, and lessens stress on their pup’s neck and shoulders. Plus, harnesses can help prevent jumping and may be easier to use if you have an active dog or a dog with arthritis or other joint problems.
A harness also allows you to keep your dog’s head oriented towards you, which may be helpful if your dog is easily distracted by other dogs or people while on walks. This can make walking more fun for you and your dog. Ultimately, a harness is the safest way to hook your pup up to their leash. Collars can choke a dog if they pull too hard and put too much pressure on their jugular or neck. And if your dog backs out of a collar, they can run into traffic or become lost and never found.
If you are trying to get your dog used to wearing a harness, it’s important that you start training them while they are puppies. This gives them time to get comfortable with the feel of a harness and learn how to walk calmly with it. It’s also best to use a gentle technique when putting the harness on and practicing how to properly hold it.
Some dogs are especially difficult to train, and a harness can be the best option for them. Often, these are dogs that have been taught to pull on their lead as a form of obedience training. They might even have a habit of barking or lunging at other dogs while on a walk. These dogs can be a challenge to control because their behavior often stems from fear and anxiety.
For these dogs, a harness may be the Harness & leads only option to stop them from pulling and allow you to have more control over their movement and direction while on a walk. During training, it’s best to focus on using positive reinforcement and a loose leash to teach them to walk nicely without pulling.
A new harness that combines the functions of a slip lead and a chest harness is a great option for these dogs. It can be put on without touching the dog’s feet and tightens around the chest when they pull. It’s easy to adjust and nearly escape proof, but you should never leave your dog unattended because it could choke them if they try to back out. It’s available in a few sizes for dogs of all shapes and breeds, including barrel-chested breeds like English bulldogs and boxers. It can also be purchased in a variety of colors.